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Branding Resources

As the nation’s first public university and one of the world’s leading research institutions, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a highly visible identity that continually evolves. Likewise, the HREOC Division also has an identity that our Communications team works to keep updated and relevant.


Division Resources

To ensure our collective brand and identity follows UNC-Chapel Hill and Division guidelines, please use the following resources when developing messaging and materials.


Email Signature

Please see the University Brand Logo Requirement webpage for detailed information on logo treatment and sizing requirements.

Web logos

Print logos

For the print versions (.eps files) of division logos, please email:

Please see the OHR and EOC Style Guide, which includes information specific to our division, the University and AP Style. Additionally, when writing for the university audience, please ensure you use accessible language. The University’s Digital Accessibility Office recommends using the online Hemingway App tool to check your written content to make sure it is understandable to all who may need to read it.

If you’d like to partner with the Division Communications team on a special project, please fill out our Client Intake Form.

Client Intake Form

Additional University Resources

UNC Identity

The UNC Identity website and University Branding and Visual Identity Guidelines (PDF) document contains detailed University brand information such as:

Trademark and Licensing

The UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Trademarks and Licensing was established to promote, protect, preserve and generate revenue through the University’s variety of logos, verbiage, trademarks and copyrights. When using trademarks or logos belonging to the University, it is important that we follow their standards. Visit the UNC Trademarks and Licensing website for more information, including a list of internal suppliers for obtaining University branded merchandise.


For any questions regarding communications and branding resources, please contact